We all have moments when we can’t help but worry—whether it’s about work, relationships, or the future. In Mary Oliver’s poem “I Worried,” she captures this universal human experience perfectly. Her poem starts with the seemingly endless questions we all ask ourselves: “Will I be okay? Will things turn out right? Can I fix this?” These worries are familiar to everyone, and at times, they can feel overwhelming.

But then Oliver makes a profound observation. After all this worrying, what did she achieve? Nothing. She realized the futility of worry and simply let it go. Stepping into the morning sun, she allowed herself to be free and, instead of worrying, she sang. The simplicity of her transformation provides a powerful lesson: worrying gets us nowhere. It only drains us of energy and joy.

The Negative Impacts of Worrying

Worrying doesn’t just steal your peace of mind; it also affects your body and your ability to think clearly. Here are some of the ways it may harm you:

1. Stress and anxiety: Worrying is like carrying a heavy load you never set down. Over time, it wears you down, both mentally and physically. Constant anxiety can lead to high blood pressure, weakened immunity, and other stress-related illnesses.

2. Decreased ability to solve problems: When you’re lost in a loop of worry, your brain becomes foggy. You can’t think straight, making it harder to solve the very problems you’re worried about. Your creativity is stifled, and simple decisions feel like monumental tasks.

3. Physical symptoms: Chronic worrying often leads to physical symptoms like headaches, stomach issues, and fatigue. Your body reacts to prolonged stress, making it harder to stay healthy.

4. Mental health issues: Long-term worry can contribute to conditions like depression, burnout, and insomnia. It creates a cycle where worrying leads to exhaustion, which in turn leads to more worry.

Taking Control of Your Mind

The good news is that you don’t have to stay stuck in a worry loop. One of the keys to overcoming worry is recognizing that you have the power to command your mind. Your thoughts shape your emotions, and with practice, you can learn to shift them from fear to peace. Strengthening this mental muscle will not only help you stop worrying but also increase your resilience.

3 Simple Steps to Stop Worrying and Start Living

Here are three practical steps to go from worry to joy:

1. Notice your worry: The first step to breaking free from worry is awareness. When you catch yourself in a negative thought spiral, pause and acknowledge it. Ask yourself, “Is this helping me?” Simply noticing when you’re worrying takes away some of its power.

2. Recalibrate your nervous system: Once you’ve recognized that you’re worrying, use deep breathing to calm your nervous system. Take three deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and letting the air fill your belly. Then, exhale slowly through your mouth as if blowing through a straw. This simple practice shifts your body out of stress mode and into a more relaxed state.

3. Focus on what you love: Instead of focusing on what you’re afraid might happen, imagine the outcome you desire. If you’re worried about your health, picture yourself vibrant and full of energy. If you’re afraid of being alone, visualize yourself surrounded by loved ones. You could even follow Mary Oliver’s advice: go outside and sing! Find small moments of joy, whether it’s a walk in nature, playing your favorite music, or spending time with someone you care about.

Final Thoughts

It’s no secret that breaking free from worry and creating lasting positive change can be tough—especially when you’re trying to do it on your own. If you could have done it alone, you probably would have by now. But that doesn’t mean you’re fundamentally flawed or incapable. It just means you may not have the awareness or tools needed to make the changes you desire. And that’s okay.

This is where a coach comes in. A coach is trained to see the patterns that might be blocking your success—patterns that you might not even be aware of. They can help you identify those roadblocks, guide you through them, and provide the support you need to move forward. The journey to a more joyful, worry-free life becomes so much easier and faster with the right guidance and encouragement.

If you’re ready to take a step toward creating the positive change you’ve been searching for, I invite you to schedule a complimentary session with me. What have you got to lose? Actually, quite a lot—the cost of inaction means staying stuck in the same place, losing valuable time, money, your well-being, and your joy and happiness.

Don’t wait. Schedule a call now and take the first step toward a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Here’s to you being your best self and living your best life!

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