42 events found.
Latest Past Events
Your Business Vision: Why it’s Important to your bottom line.
Sierra Commons 792 Searles Avenue, Nevada CityMost entrepreneurs do not have a clear vision for their business. Clarifying a vision for your business will help you achieve your goals faster and has been PROVEN to make decision-making easier. Defining your vision separates successful, innovative entrepreneurs from the pack. Talking points/Take Aways: ~How to clarify your Business Vision ~How neuroscience can support you […]
Vision Board Workshop – Design Your Aligned Life
Club Room 2801 1st Avenue, SeattleLearn the key to why talented, intelligent, hardworking women hold themselves back. Learn the key to tapping into your power and create a vision for your ideal life. During this dynamic and fun workshop you will learn how to begin applying principles from a simple, proven, powerful system and create a Vision Board. Then be amazed how the life […]