How Do I know If Coaching is Right For Me?


Check out the Most Frequently Asked Questions I get

What exactly is Development Coaching?

There are so many different definitions of coaching out there and a misconception that coaching is something that is fluffy or light. 

To the contrary, The International Coach Federation (ICF) defines coaching as “partnering with a client in a thought-proving creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” 

A coach empowers you and sees you as the expert – as the creative and resourceful individual that you are. A coach guides you through a process where you discover solutions, resources, and strategies to reach your goals. A coach ultimately is someone who believes in YOU and sees your genius, even when you don’t.

Working with your coach, you’ll notice improvement in every area of your life – your awareness, sense of well-being, your leadership skills, and you’ll be able to unlock your full potential to find better solutions.

A coach can also help you gain clarity. Like most people, your life is probably busy with tasks and taking care of things for others. However, you may not be busy doing the things that matter most to you — which keeps you from achieving results that make you truly happy.

A coach can help you understand what is holding you back or keeping you stuck. Your mind is your most valuable tool; however, most of us have been trained to use it to terrorize ourselves or we don’t recognize beliefs that are inconsistent or in direct conflict with our goals and desires. A coach can help you clear through those blocks so you can finally achieve what you say you want.

A coach can help you overcome circumstances that seem to be impossible to achieve the success you desire. Most of us have been trained to fit in or cope with our circumstances—to settle. A good coach can see possibility and believes in YOU when you don’t believe in yourself. You will learn how to navigate your circumstances with ease and achieve the results.

Why Is Coaching So Effective?

We have the potential to grow and learn and change throughout our lives. Known as the concept of neuroplasticity, coaching can help us to create new pathways, build mental skills and create lasting change.

It is now well-established that the brain remains adaptable throughout our lifetime. And by rewiring the brain through experiences, shifting thoughts and adapting our mindset, we can actually live the lives we say we want.

Science has shown using a more positive approach such as coaching, we can help the brain visualize a better future.

The truth is that neuroscientists have confirmed what we instinctively have always known: transformative, lasting change is harder than we think. Consider the major changes you have attempted and how many have failed. 85% of change initiatives in organizations fail because leaders focus on the wrong things and don’t understand what it really takes for people to change their behavior and beliefs. 

Information and motivation are not enough to inspire people to change. 

Transformation, whether on an individual or organizational level, requires on-going, focused attention on new possibilities and new behaviors – not on the problem as most of us have done before. And while coaching can be effective within a short period of time, it does require real commitment and effort over time.

Setting goals, making connections, becoming more aware, seeking breakthroughs and taking action – the ‘stuff’ of coaching – parallels what neuroscientists tell us works in helping the brain operate.

Coaching ultimately can help you by applying simple strategies that increase  the likelihood of reaching your goals. By using powerful questions, exploring insights, creating opportunities to reflect, asking for commitments and accountability, you’ll find yourself achieving more of what you want – quickly.

There is also evidence that when people arrive at their own insights their brain makes multiple connections that gives them a rush of energy that not only uplifts them but gives them the motivation to take action on their insight.

How do I know if coaching is for me?

If you’ve never worked with a coach, I understand you might be wondering if you’re a good fit or if your unique problems are the kind I work with. 

Coaching is for you if you are willing to see and do things differently than you have up until this point. It also requires commitment – so if you are ready to commit to yourself, to greater solutions and to feeling true joy, then coaching is for you.

Some of the more common concerns my clients come to me with include:

Feeling stuck in a job, but not being sure how to transition into something new or better

Lacking clarity about your purpose, direction or choices

Lack confidence

Struggling to achieve your goals and always feel like they remain far away

You are constantly overwhelmed and your life feels out of balance

You feel like you haven’t uncovered your life’s true purpose. You just know there has to be more than this

You don’t really like or accept yourself and beat yourself up with negative self-talk

You’re experiencing conflicts in your relationships or at work and are always falling into the same patterns over and over

You have a difficult relationship with money or and don’t own your full self-worth

Wherever you are feeling stuck, coaching can help you clear through the obstacles and find greater success. The best way to find out if coaching is a fit for you is to schedule a complimentary call and experience the transformation yourself!

What do coaching sessions look like?

Coaching begins with a 60-90 minute strategy session. If we’re a good fit to work together, we’ll create a schedule that works for you and can be customized to meet your individual needs. You can choose between group and private one-on-one formats. Typical coaching programs are weekly sessions by phone, Zoom or Skype, 45–60 minutes.

Each week we assess your progress, where you currently are, what needs to happen next, and how you can take that step and keep making progress. 

Together, we generate specific action steps to help you reach your goals. The sessions are valuable in identifying where you might be getting stuck and what you need to move forward.

How is coaching different than workshops or therapy?

This is a great question.  Coaching focuses on gaining clarity on what you want to create in your life and navigating the gap between your current situation and your future condition—the outcomes and results you want in your life. 

Therapy is about healing your past and emotional trauma. You work with a trained therapist to help diagnose and treat mental and emotional problems.

At a workshop, you can get information, tools, techniques, and strategies at workshops. And while some of the content at a workshop may be similar to that in coaching, coaching provides a consistent structure with accountability, identifying limiting beliefs, action steps which are all required for positive change.

Do you do group coaching for Professional Development Coaching?

Most of my professional development coaching is done one-on-one because your issues are specific to your professional career. 

I do, however, hold workshops and leadership trainings for managers, executives and fast-track leaders that will support you in advancing your career or find ways to not feel so stuck. 

Check out my events page here.

What are your prices?

Although I do not list my prices on my website, I am happy to discuss pricing with you at any time. I do offer pricing packages and options for clients who want to spread out payment over the coaching engagement.

What is the difference between Organizational Development Coaching and the Work a Human Resources Professional might do?

Although both Human Resources and Organizational Development deal with people, Human Resources deals with the management of the employee process. It also concerns itself with making sure that an organization is complying with governmental regulations and mitigating risks.

Organizational development instead applies behavioral science and organizational thinking to help organizations improve their systems and grow their individuals. The goal of Organizational Development is designed to optimize the technical and social systems of an organization by improving communication, team building and cross-functionality.

The idea is to help organizations grow their bottom line and achieve goals in a more effective manner. 

Organizational development uses Assessments, Interviews, Data and Analysis to provide a complete picture to the organization.

How would you describe your coaching style?

I’m analytical, spiritual, practical and have been described as a little edgy (and that’s more than just my hair).  

Like so many of my clients, I have worked on accepting myself, finding confidence and owning my worth and that is what I love to share with my clients.  

My life hasn’t been linear – I’ve been told that my adventures could fill up a book (and it just might one day). Although I’m already a best-selling author and have published two books called Jumpstart Your ___ and 40/40 Rules – Words of Wisdom from 40 Women over 40.

I’ve overcome hurdles, worked with organizations big and small to improve communication and develop stronger leaders – and I’m not afraid to point out the real problems when I see them.

I’m also compassionate, understanding and supportive when it comes to getting through the difficult challenges. 

The one thing I’m truly passionate about is helping people see that they matter. Each of us brings something unique and important to this world – in business and in life. My job is to help you uncover that and share it with the world.

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